Advantages of renting my apartment through a real estate agency

May 18, 2023

Renting a property (flat/house) has become an attractive option for many homeowners. It is a way to earn money and generate profits, thanks to the income that can be received. But when the decision is made, the question is should you try it on your own or hire a professional real estate agency?

Why rent with the help of a real estate agency? The most important reason would be because an agency counts with the experience and "know how" necessary to achieve a good rental and the best performance, as well as knowing the current behavior of the market and real estate laws. Besides, Its coverage in the market for the supply of flats is wide, thanks to its presence in multiple online portals, thus covering the entire rental search market, sectored by area and because they offer the owner various services such as flat management, coordination / resolution of incidents, non-payment insurance processing, property maintenance and many other advantages that facilitate the lease, leaving the owner only the concern of receiving interesting rental income. A professional agency that listens to the owner and takes care of "everything" is worth more than nothing. Remember: time is money!


Choosing the right tenants

One of the biggest advantages of using a professional real estate agency for your rental property is the ability to carefully select the right tenants. Real estate professionals have experience in discerning the best profile for each property considering, above all, the preferences of the owner who will not have to verify qualities of seriousness and good behavior of the tenants, nor economic solvency or the veracity of the documentation presented. You will not have to feel cheated by choosing the wrong profile. With an experienced agency, the owner can be sure that you will find the ideal tenants.

Advantages of renting my apartment through a real estate agency

Management simplicity

Real estate agencies take care of all the “hard” work associated with renting a property. From coverage and costs  advertisement for the apartment coordination of visits, rent collection up to the management of any incident that may arise. A professional Real Estate Agency takes care of all the details so you don't have to. This simplifies the rental process and allows you to focus on more important matters.


The rental deposit of tenants

A real estate agency is also in charge of guaranteeing receipt of the payment of the legal bond inherent to each rental and the obligatory process of admission to the Institut Catalá del Sol (INCASOL) within the established period. A professional agency will avoid your owners any fines or penalties for late filing and will ensure that the lease is fulfilled to the letter.


Vacancy time reduction

A real estate agency will also do everything possible to minimize the vacancy of a property. They understand the rental market throughout Barcelona thanks to their experience and will be able to advise both tenants and owners, giving the right information to achieve the perfect "match", thus reducing the time a property remains empty.

Advantages of renting my apartment through a real estate agency


Legal representation

Finally, real estate agencies provide invaluable tax and legal support. They know the Leasing Laws in Catalonia, thus having the possibility of offering solid advice, when tenants breach their contract. This helps you avoid costly litigation and protects your interests as a homeowner.



In conclusion, renting your apartment through a real estate agency has many unique advantages. From finding the right tenant to protecting your interests as a landlord. A real estate agency will help you get the most out of your rental home. Whether it's your first experience as a landlord or a seasoned homeowner. Hiring a professional real estate agency will help to to get the most out of your rental property.



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